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Our Pricing

Below are links to tools that will explain our pricing policies as well as information for you to choose the level of eLearning that best fits your content. 


Although each client and project are unique we have developed tools for you to use that will allow you to understand what level of eLearning your content needs.

Definitions of eLearning Levels

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Level 1 Courses (Basic):  Some refer to level 1 e-learning as the “click next” style of e-learning. It has very low amounts of interactivity (i.e., clicking the Next button is as interactive as it typically gets) and there is a lot of static text and images. Level 1 quizzes are usually basic multiple-choice and true-or-false questions. Level 1 e-learning, while basic, does have its place: it can be a quick and inexpensive way to cover simple rules or procedures.

Level 2 Courses (Intermediate): At level 2, e-learning courses start to have richer multimedia. Courses at this level can contain some audio and video, as well as some basic animations and transitions. This level of content is also often accompanied by narration and activities such as “click and reveal” interactions. Typical level 2 quizzes are drag-and-drops and matching activities. Level 2 e-learning is often used because it is a nice middle ground that offers a richer experience for the learner without too much development expense.

Level 3 Courses (Complex): When you get to level 3, the courses become quite sophisticated, creating a more complex and interactive learning experience. Level 3 can include extensive use of audio, video, transitions, animations, simulations, and more. Quizzing could involve branched, scenario-based questions that allow a learner to explore multiple paths and feedback levels. Level 3 e-learning is often developed for more advanced learning.

If you would like assistance in using any of these tools, please call us at 201-264-7554

ROI Calculator FREE eBook

When you think of calculating Return on Investment (ROI) you likely think of an excel spreadsheet comprised of assumed expenses, some educated predictions and fixed costs that will let you know whether it is wise to make an investment in a product or service that will potentially make or save you money.


When calculating the ROI for eLearning however, dollars and cents are only part of the return that needs to be considered, and not necessarily the most important part. The impact and effectiveness of any training program, as well as its ability to promote a company culture of empowerment, curiosity, and professional growth, is also a major consideration.


This free eBook highlights some of the important things to consider
when to calculating ROI for eLearning, as well as provide you an eLearning
calculator you can use to see whether this method works for your company.

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